TV Articles

If you haven't caught on yet, allow me to copy-paste:

Well, simply put, our [TV] articles consist of anything we write about [TV shows] that doesn't necessarily fall under the umbrella of reviews. It could be an article dissecting an entire genre, glorifying [Charlie Sheen] and other [televisionaries], or telling you why Joss Whedon is [still] a total feminazi douche. A [TV] article could even be about a specific [show] but the difference is that our [TV] articles don't follow a typical review format and are more akin to editorials.

So if you've ever wondered why [cartoons] have sucked since the [90's] or why just about every [History Channel show] ever has been a terrible bastardization of the material it claims to portray, your answers to these quandaries can be found somewhere on this page.
